Thursday, May 3, 2018

Want to meet Joel Salatin?

One of the huge advantages of writing for the Lehman's blog is the privilege of cyber-meeting some pretty incredible people.

One of these is Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms in Virginia. Lehman's asked me to conduct a two-part interview with this remarkable author -- and a nicer, more enthusiastic, and hilariously funny person you'll never meet.

Mr. Salatin will be appearing at Lehman's June 30th. You can read my first interview with him here. If you're anywhere local to Lehman's, it would be well worth it to register for their Country Living Workshop where Mr. Salatin will be speaking.


  1. I have marked my calendar, and shared your post in the Ohio Homesteaders and Gardeners FB group that I helped get started!

  2. Mr Salatin is one of my heroes! I wish I was closer!
