Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Hurricane Matthew

For readers in the path of Hurricane Matthew, stay safe! Please check in and let us know you're all right.


  1. I'm in North Central FL, so we're in an area where we're really not sure how bad it will be. We had a dry run with Hermine a few weeks ago, though, which was a cat. 1 when it went right over us. We lost power for 2 days, which of course means our well didn't work. We went swimming in the nearby cold springs a lot to cool off in the 90+ degree weather.
    We're making basically the same preparations as we always do--drinking water in the house plus a clean barrel of water for washing hands/dishes, and several barrels of non-potable water for flushing toilets. Food that is ready to eat or easy to prepare for us and our two young sons, etc. We are on the one hill in our county, so our main worry is never flooding but always trees falling. We got plenty of trees everywhere!
    Yesterday was already quite windy and overcast, and there is always a particular feel to the air when a hurricane is coming. It's very unique. I went to do regular grocery shopping and the store was completely cleaned out of bread and water and the deli counter was doing brisk trade in cold cuts. People seemed on edge.
    Oh well, at least this is another opportunity for a hands-on homeschool weather lesson!

  2. I'm riding out the storm in Coral Springs Florida...6 AM and all is well. We're prepped and ready for whatever part of the hurricane we get.

    1. just looked at a map and saw that coral springs is on the east coast. Be safe.
      deb k

  3. Central Florida here. It rained a lot this morning, but that's nothing new. We'll see how it goes...

    -Blind Ambition

  4. Our prayers for everyone in the SE.Makes you thankful you live in the Inland Pacific NW. Our biggest worry is a mountain that blows every 100 years, nothing like these kind of storms. Everyone be safe.

  5. Just an update--I echo what wendeeB said--everyone is very harried! My husband had to go to work in town. He saw a car accident this morning between people jockeying for position to load cars at the grocery store, and said he heard sirens responding to other car accidents all day. Crazy! I'm glad I stayed home with the kids.
    Anyways, it's been windy and rainy, but we are expecting it to get rough about 6am tomorrow.

  6. We are on the west coast of FL, so all is well. Still, we always keep an eye on the storm and prepare for surprises.

    I've called and offered shelter to friends/family on the east coast, but none have accepted. I pray that all goes well for them.

    Southern Gal

  7. My family and I are Close to Wilmington NC . It's calling for lots of wind and rain early Saturday morning, early afternoon here but Matthew is suppose to turn away from NC right near us. Pray for everyone

  8. Daytona Beach here, waiting for the power to go out. Ready as we can be, windows boarded up, just fearful the two big oaks in our yard will uproot, and one is leaning over our house. Yes, I agree with the newscaster, this is the "storm of a lifetime"! We are expected to have a tidal surge of 11 to 13 feet, so fairly certain my mother's condo near the river will flood. After living through Hurricanes Charley, Frances and Jeanne back in 2004, I'm weary of hurricanes, and I've lived in Florida my entire life. This storm is the first hurricane since recordkeeping of storms began in 1851 to hit the East coast of Florida so far north.

  9. I'm on the west coast of FL and only have some light wind and showers and cloudiness from the extreme outer bands. Praying for those on the east coast. Have heard close to 500,000 without power and the storm hasn't reached landfall.

    With 7 out of 10 new Floridians every 10 years I really hope, altho I think it's futile, that they are prepped, evacuated if necessary and very mindful of what a hurricane can do.

  10. North Central Florida here. Power is restored. Praising Him that the storm moved a little east.

  11. The storm was basically a non-event for us here in north central FL. We lost power only a couple times for twenty minutes at a time. If we had been 30 miles east things would probably have been much different. Thank God! We only had to deal with keeping two boys in the house all day (which is its own kind of natural disaster...).

  12. Myrtle beach here. Wind howling, lights flickering, lots of water but all else is well. Storn is right on top of us at the momemt.

  13. Thanks to blogs like this, for the first time since I moved to the coast I was not majorly stressed and last minute shopping during the storm. I am in Norfolk, which only received the northernmost bands of the hurricane but it was enough to wipe out power and cause severe flooding throughout the region. People have been so angry with our TV meteorologists because the greatly underestimated the wind/rain forecasts. I think that this is just another example of American reliance on institutional authorities to tell them what to do instead of being prepared for the unexpected.

    We still have a long way to go, but we had food, water, a generator, car moved to high ground, lanterns set with kerosine, flashlights with batteries at the ready, and a go bag packed just in case. Praise God we didn't lose power or flood, but the great thing was the sense of peace I had that we had done our part to be responsible as parents and homeowners, and the rest was up to God.
