Sunday, October 30, 2016

Do you suffer from ... PANTRY ENVY???

Don found a fun little article on UK's Daily Mail on the subject of "pantry porn" -- people who share photos of their perfectly organized pantries.

Notice the color coordination!

These are people who are frighteningly and intimidate-ingly (if I could coin a word) efficient and organized.

The degree of precision in these little rooms is, well, frightening. Intimidating.

(And, as you'll see in the article, this doesn't even touch laundry room perfection.)

By contrast, my pantry (and supplemental areas) are much more, well, earthy. Chewy. Ahem, well-used. Call it what you will.

These areas may not be perfect, but they're "good enough" (the Lewis family motto). I don't have the temperament to strive for perfection, so our "pantry porn" is pretty low-key.


  1. I didn't have "pantry envy" until now.

  2. my pantry looks a lot like yours but you need to add boards to the front in case of an earthquake.

  3. I LOVE your pantry porn. I'm pretty sure I sin in envy every time I look at it.

    That one with all the Tupperware containers ain't bad, either...

  4. Your pantry has labeled containers, is all on shelves, and is in earth tones, so it looks to be organized and color coordinated to me.
    Much better than mine for sure!! Lol


  5. I envy anyone who even HAS a pantry, let alone the means to fill it! - lol

  6. I love your pantry. How I long for even a small room like that. Sigh. Still working on getting my supplies out of the garage.

  7. I dunno. I looked at the first one and thought, "Wow, look at all that wasted space!" As for number 2, can you imagine asking your husband to get something and saying, "It's the one with the black lid, for Pete's sakes!" And can you imagine trying to look for something in number 3--all those plates to keep spinning? Weird.

    In your pantry, however, you've used every square inch available--and it's probably all things you actually use (unlike the pantry of yours truly...I'm still working on that).

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Love your pantry! Looks organized (enough) for me! Can't imagine in a million years doing the color coordinated thing - I don't even do that in my fabric stash!

  10. I like your pantry space much better! Looks like a REAL pantry that gets used, but not abused. The first three photos look like something you'd find in an Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder Textbook! LOL

  11. They all look so perfect, even colour co-ordinated, but there does not look to be any "real" food there, yours has row upon row of delicious home canned produce, raised in your own gardens, open a couple of jars for an emergency meal instantly, not to mention healthier no additives, sun ripened, hand picked at their prime fruit and veg! Wonderful!

  12. I only thought of the wasted space and how one thing slightly moved would just throw off the whole look. Yours looks real, like it is used. Kitchen pictures with pictures show things happens instead of being neat, sterile areas. I really would rather have your pantry than the others.

  13. I'm loving the frequent posts lately!!! Clara A

  14. Those "perfect" pantries look either full of snacks or only small amounts of things. And eek, that Tupperware one must have cost a pretty penny!

  15. I caught myself mentally adding up how much the Tupperware pantry cost and figured I could restock mine for that price!

  16. I don't trust a pantry that doesn't show any dust.

    There's always something you use less often than everything else, and it always has dust on it.

    The first one looks more like a corner shop than an actual pantry ...

  17. I'm on board with Jeanne...all those little cute color coordinated packages. How do you make dinner with that? It looked mostly like snacks and seasoning. I also love your pantry. It's exactly how it should be. Filled with real food. Simple. Delicious. And packed full! Looking at people's pantrys is like looking in other people's carts at the grocery store....come know you do it too! Lol! Keep up the good work fellow readers! We can do this too! Thank you Patrice for the inspiration.

  18. Imagine the crazy at those houses when one of the kids breaks into the pantry to play kitchen...

  19. I love neat, clean pantry. Mine isn't, but I sure love them that way lol

  20. Your pantry looks like what a pantry should look like. Love those plastic jugs with the handles. Wish I could find some around here. Mary Ellen

    1. Mary Ellen, those jugs are mayonnaise jugs. See this post for more info:

      - Patrice

  21. Imagine it is Thanksgiving. You have children. Your family could be a guest at either home. Which would you choose?
    Montana Guy

  22. I prefer the term "realistic" to describe what you have. You grow your own and you don't have stock in Tupperware and other matching plasticware. Yours is downhome real. I like it much better than the feverish and fake order in the other pics.

  23. I envy the ones with REAL food, particularly the last ones...

  24. Wow! My pantry could look like those if only there was a way to neatly stack 5 gallon buckets and make them look cool. With 8 kids, my pantry looks great for a week after I organize it but then real life happens. I prefer a pantry with lots of real the last couple of pictures :-)

  25. I love yours most of all. It's real. And homemade and filled with yummy normal stuff.
    No frankenfood.

  26. My wife and I viewed all the pictures of the pantries and of course your is the most common sensed one, and I just built my wife a pantry this spring and it looks like your, as there is NEVER enough space, unless you could build a whole new house and have a pantry designed, well for most of us that isn't going to happen, so ANY pantry is a great pantry and your is GREAT!! our actually is a little more stuffed than yours and makes it harder at times to move items around to get what you want, BUT the stuff is there and lots of it!! we love your site!! signed "the New Mexico mountain couple"!!
