Sunday, September 1, 2024

Lost the battle, won the war

According to the caption, this rhythmic gymnastics champion couldn't perform calmly after hearing her daughter cry, so she pulled the toddler on stage with her instead. "She lost the competition, but in the eyes of millions of viewers, she was the real winner."

Brava! Watch and enjoy at this link or click the link below.


  1. This is your Aunt Kathy in SC. Just wondering how your parents are doing.

    1. About the same. They both have a good attitude despite their infirmities. Dad needs to get a pacemaker put in, but it's a modified kind that only provides an extra heartbeat when it's needed, rather than continually. They're both in decent spirits. I'm so grateful my youngest brother lives not far away from them – he's an enormous help.

      - Patrice
