Thursday, July 11, 2024

Let the harvest commence

The blueberry bushes are absolutely loaded this year. I've been waiting for the first berries to ripen.

A few days ago, the harvest commenced.

On the first day, I picked a couple cups of berries.

A couple days later, I picked closer to two quarts. I'm freezing the berries as I go. So far I have about three-quarters of a gallon.

I'll keep picking (about every other day) and freezing until the end of the season, at which point I'll weigh the final tally and then can them up. Last year we harvested 16 pounds of fruit, up from a modest one pound the year before. Clearly the bushes (planted in 2021) are ramping up production. It will be interesting to see how much we get this year.


  1. We usually have bags of blueberries but it's been such a busy haying season that we didn't notice the spider mites taking over the blueberry plants. by the time we discovered that the plants were in trouble it was a lost cause to save the berries. Now we're just trying to save the plants.

    1. Whoa, that's crazy. Hope you succeed in beating that pest!

      - Patrice

  2. Whoa, that's crazy. Hope you succeed in beating that pest!

    - Patrice

  3. I've been picking mine early in the morning and forgot about the birds. This morning I went to pick them later and flushed a bunch of birds. There are still about a gallon left that haven't started turning blue , but they clearly had a feast this morning because there was nothing with any blue tinge left! In the morning I'll cover them back up again. Over the winter I'm going to re-do that setup to something similar to yours. I've got a lot of pine saplings than need cutting down that should work perfect for a while. Then get the deer fence.
