Monday, July 15, 2024

Apparently now the gloves are off

I didn't sleep well last night. I'm still trying to process the events of the last few days. America, and possibly the world, came within a hair's breadth – literally – of being irrevocably altered forever when a bullet grazed Trump's ear instead of hitting him squarely in the forehead.

The dust is still settling and the finger-pointing is just beginning as people try to get to the bottom of just exactly what happened. Speculation ranges from the gunman being a lone-wolf assassin to the whole thing being an inside job by the Secret Service.

I don't know. And here's the thing: Neither do you. Everyone is spouting his favorite theory, but no one knows for sure. We, the ordinary citizens, may never know.

But I do know this: There are layers upon layers of obfuscation that prevent us from seeing the true state of our country. The divide in this nation has never been wider, except possibly in 1860 or so. And above all, there are evil forces at work out there, forces we can't even begin to comprehend.

And now, apparently, the gloves are off. Batten down the hatches, folks. It's only going to get crazier as the election grows closer.


  1. Our country NEEDS God. If we do not bow the knee to our Creator, as a nation we cannot survive. You are correct, in that it is going to get crazier as the election draws nearer. I pray for repentance and God's mercy daily.

  2. My Pastor also called for repentance yesterday. We prayed for the victims, their families and for our country. As stated by a Founder - our Constitutional Republic will not survive without a just and moral citizenry. With the rejection of God, we will not survive.

    1. Unfortunately, not enough people in this Country, or what's left of it, are doing as your Pastor asked. The God of the Bible is actively putting all the evil right out in front of everybody to see, but so many refuse to see and will end up in the ditch, just as Jesus said.

  3. I agree with your assessment of these evil times and with the previous commenters. May God yet have mercy and grant the United States repentance and revival!

  4. It is a testimony to the power of our Creator that he wasn't killed. If he hadn't been actually hit, the whole thing may have been dismissed as a crazy political stunt.
    Trump has not lived a perfect life and he's not a perfect man. But he has definitely been trained by almighty God for the battle he's in, that we're all in together for the soul of this country. The Lord is continually preparing him for whatever he's going to have to deal with.
    And something I admire about him more than anything else is that he's unifying so many people in our country. He's not a quitter, he's a mighty warrior. That's what scares the bejeebers out of these yellow bellied chicken livered sap sucking lying cheating stealing sorry excuses for much of our political representation. Trump is going to CLEAN HOUSE and they know it. When he wins, WHEN, there will be people leaving out as fast as they can to avoid spending the rest of their lives in prison.
    This last stunt the haters pulled has put Trump ahead in all the swing states. Surely there will be more crap to deal with. Probably Michelle. But they didn't do much of anything for their people when they had the chance, however Trump did.
    Keep focus on the Lord. Remember the little lizards that change colors depending on what they look at. If there was a color for a clean heart, faith in God, hope for our future, and so forth, that would be the color we should be seen as.
    And one thing about the last 4 years has been very positive. Many of the creepy crawlers have been exposed, and continue to be exposed by Light shining on their evil deeds. Trump's coming in like the Orkin man to clean out their nests.

    1. Sounds like you overdosed on the orange Kool Aid...smh.

    2. None are so blind as those who will not see.

    3. if you're talking about Jonestown, it was grape Flavorade, not Kool Aid.

    4. Actually, the Lord knows the plans He has for us. Plans to give us hope and a future. That is what I support and Trump DID that already once, and hope and future is what I hear him espousing now. I did not like him prior to his presidency but grew to love him because of how he led our country. I had previously formed my opinion from hearsay, never watched him on tv, and frankly some aspects of his personality cut both ways. But when you feel afraid, it's not from God. Our Mighty King and Savior wants us to prosper and be in good health. That all took a nose dive with the current administration and whoever is truly running it, because the whole world knows it isn't the current president. DJT was and is a strong leader. I can't think of anyone better to BE what we need, may God continually watch over and protect him.

  5. It is time to look back and resume the path that our founding fathers started and which we should never have abandoned!

  6. whos gloves came off not sure if that how god works

  7. Betsy, you might want to spend a lot more time reading the whole Bible. Not the modern church salad bar snippets on Sunday.

    You have a binary choice God is in control or NOT.

    After that reading the Bible, you will see how violence as well as flowers and peace are Gods works. Using men even evil ones to do HIS Bidding.

    Read the story of Sodom and Gomorra for how Love IS Love God really is.

    1. Most people with half a brain know that the god of the Old Testament is very different from the God of the New Testament. If you follow Jesus, maybe actually pay attention to what Jesus actually said instead of pulling out Old Testament stuff to back up your hateful opinions.

  8. The man who talks about "blood baths" and retribution tasted some of his own karma. The kid was a republican with an attitude. Could have been a school next with hate in his heart from all that he has seen and heard.

    1. The "kid" was an active member of AntiFa. A donator to Act Blue, wearing a Maga hat and registering as a Repug is as fake as the FBI's "Patriot Front".

      You might also look a tad deeper into the actual quotes, Not MSN's heavy editing of Trumps comments. Blood Bath in full understanding of the whole statement.

      There WILL BE Retribution. The projections of the Left will be fulfilled.

    2. Where are you getting your info about "the kid"....?Most likely from Fox news who if you recall recently, was sued for dishing out massive amounts of misinformation. It was a huge fine.

  9. Has anyone read Project 2025? It is 900 pages, so go to internet and pick one section and read it. Also, Agenda 47 is frightening.

    1. I've read it. Can you point to something specific that you have a problem with?

    2. I've read it. Perhaps you can point to some specific examples of things you have a problem with. Nothing stood out to be to be problematic.

    3. One can only hope these banana nutcases go back to their holes once Trump loses again.

    4. Project 2025: End no fault divorce, complete ban on abortion with NO exceptions, ban contraceptives, additional tax breaks for corporations, cut medicare and Social Security, end the Affordable Care Act, Eliminate the Department of Education, teach Christian religious beliefs in public schools, end free and discounted school lunch program, ban books and curriculum about slavery, end climate protections, end marriage equality, defund FBI and Homeland Security, ban Muslims from entering country, mass deportation of immigrants, eliminate agencies like FDA, EPA, etc.
      There is much more. If you are a White Christian, especially if you are male, this may perfectly fit your worldview. America, however, is a land of immigrants, with many colors, religions, ethnicities and beliefs. Live your life as you see fit, but your religious beliefs should not dictate how I live mine.

    5. Can you give me the exact page of the document where it discusses, say, no abortion, no exceptions and bans contraceptives. Just to give you a heads up, there isn't a single thing you've mentioned that the Constitution allows the federal government to be involved in. It's not about being Christian, white, or a male. It's about making the federal government follow the Constitition.

    6. I think that project is along the lines as the J6 thingy that has taken almost a whole election cycle to debunk. That crowd was full of abc instigators dressed like Trump supporters. Or maybe it's something kin to the false narrative the other candidate enbeddeded in our news and justice system about Russian collusion. These scare tactics tend to arise at election times. Everything I can find about it is through the msm. And Kamala, bless her heart, promising to end it? She has nothing to run on. Even Obama doesn't support her. So I guess it's a platform in waiting for somebody.
      Somebody took their paranoid delusions about conservatives and created another false narrative to poison the minds of voters with.

  10. Just think of the riots that would be going off if it was the other side, yet all we ever hear is how violent the right are!
    As I’ve said many times in the past “If the Right are so violent, how come Jane Fonda has not been worm food for these past 50 plus years?”.

  11. "It is a testimony to the power of our Creator that he wasn't killed." Um......yeah. God saved him, but let all the second graders in Sandy Hook die. When will you people learn something resembling logic? Intelligent religious people do NOT believe God picks and chooses who to kill and who to allow to live. And try not to forget separation of church and state. Stop pretending the rest of us should pay attention to your particular religion.

    1. Pretty obvious that either you have not read any valid Bible and rely on the Scofield for your basis as you seem to be missing some pretty OBVIOUS items in any of the valid Bibles.

  12. Anonymous, Linda and Krab, Be Still and listen to that still small voice that it talking to anyone willing to listen. Be Still and Hear Your God before spouting any more hatred, please.
