Monday, October 4, 2021

Let the rut begin

Phew. Sorry for the blog silence, dear readers. I've had a rather intense ten days of hard work and multiple deadlines. Things should be calmer going forward. (Yeah right.)

We're engaged in many pre-winter projects I'll be posting about within a couple weeks, including putting up firewood, installing our wood cookstove, getting materials together for next spring's garden, and putting in some fall plantings.

Meanwhile, take a peek at these photos. Early one morning, well before sunrise (meaning, the light wasn't the best), I looked out our window and saw these two young bucks. Operative word: young.

They were engaged in some low-key sparring. As you can see, their antlers are hardly big enough for that task, but since when does that make a difference when testosterone is concerned?

They'd push each other around for a moment or two, then disengage and try to figure out how this sparring thing is supposed to work.


Meanwhile some monumentally unimpressed females grazed nearby, utterly indifferent to their teenage antics.

After a while, one of the boys moved to another field, where he stood in profile, looking majestic (in a goofy adolescent tiny-antlers sort of way).

But the behavior of these young boys is a portent of things to come. Let the rut begin!


  1. I love that. My husband's uncle came to visit us from Arizona for the last week (he left today) to do some deer hunting here (we visit him to hunt javalina, lol). He got a nice big doe (with my crossbow, which I've never managed even get a shot with!) so he and his wife will have enough venison to see them into spring at least. I hope we are so lucky!

  2. That wonderful time of year when deer with on thing on their minds decide to become a venison meal.

  3. What excellent photos! The rut…also know as…lost their ever lovin minds!
