Monday, March 1, 2021

My latest Amish inspirational is now available!

My latest Harlequin Love Inspired, entitled "Amish Baby Lessons," is now available!

When my last book, Amish Newcomer, was released, I was so grateful for your strong support and positive feedback. It showed strong numbers to the publishers!

Now I'll ask the same favor. I've already received two kind comments. One woman wrote, "Loved this book. A different take than I have read before.  Liked how both Jane and Levy were rather oblivious to their lives. Keep up the good work!" And just today, a reader left a comment: "Just finished the book. I liked this one better than your first. Went to leave a review and that option was not available yet. As soon as it is you will get 5 stars." Thank you!

Now a note the cover shown above. Wanna hear a bit of an inside secret? The baby featured on the cover is, what, maybe a year old? Trouble is, the baby in the book is a newborn. How to explain the discrepancy?

When I first saw the cover artwork, I asked if it was possible to swap out the toddler and substitute a newborn, but as it turn out, it wasn't possible. Because of all the COVID lockdowns at the time the artwork was created, they could not do photo shoots and had to make the cover from stock art or repurposed cover art. Their focus was on getting details of the heroine as accurate as possible, and having a newborn in the model's arms proved too difficult. So there you go, a little insider information on what the publishing industry has had to deal with over the last year.

If you're inclined to purchase the book, here are some sources:

Harlequin standard print book

Harlequin ebook

Harlequin large print book


Here's the backcover blurb:

"Tall, plain and awkward, Amish maed Jane Troyer has always been 'useful.' Now she’s the temporary nanny for overwhelmed Amish bachelor Levy Struder and his baby niece. But Jane's finding it hard to resist falling for the sweet boppli and the handsome, hardworking Levy. Can this spirited Plain Jane win a bachelor's heart…and make their temporary arrangement permanent?"

I can't tell you how much I enjoy writing these inspirational love stories. Thank you for your support in reading them!


  1. Thanks for posting this Patrice. I very much enjoyed the last one!

  2. I ordered my copy last night. Your first one was so enjoyable, I am looking forward to this one!

  3. Don't deal with amazon and harlequin does not need my birth date. Sorry and enjoyed your last book before amazon restricting what I read(conservative)

    1. You might try Abebooks ( or ThriftBooks ( Either are now my preferred sources over Amazon.

      - Patrice

  4. Ordered and started reading. Jo in Central Wa.

  5. Your 2nd Love Inspired book arrived 15 minutes ago. I have pre-ordered your 3rd book which Amazon says will be released on July 27th. 5 of my friends have also pre-ordered your 3rd book. 3 of those 5 friends now have your 2nd book in their hands and we are all going to read and compare comments when we are done.
    Thanks be to God for your many talents with regards to writing practical and inspirational books. Your book "The Simplicity Primer" is one of my all-time favorites!! May you life continue to be Blessed as you continue to Bless ours with your writing abilities.

  6. Post Alley CrackpotMarch 2, 2021 at 9:03 PM

    2021: Oh, look, Patrice Lewis has written another Amish Inspirational Romance novel!

    2031: Oh, look, Patrice Lewis has written another DIY manual disguised as an Amish Inspirational Romance novel!


  7. "Can this spirited Plain Jane win a bachelor's heart…and make their temporary arrangement permanent?" Answer: NO. Levy goes to the city on rumspringa and marries a cocktail waitress. Wow, that ending was unexpected!

  8. Just bought/ordered all 3 of your books! so lovely to see your work. I cant wait to read them!

    1. Thank you! I'm working hard to finish my next one, which I have to turn in by July 1. Time to pound the keyboard.

      - Patrice
