Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The passing of a legend

I received an email today from Glenda Lehman Ervin, VP of Marketing at Lehman's, as follows: "Dad passed way Sunday at the age of 91. I thought you would want to know."

She was referring to Jay Lehman, founder of Lehman's non-electric store in Ohio.

I never met Mr. Lehman, but he was so well-loved that the store put up a life-sized cardboard cutout so fans could take a "photo" with him. I think that says something about a person's decency, don't you?

Some obituaries for his remarkable life can be read here and here.

Rest in peace, Mr. Lehman.


  1. Wow. What a legacy. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Consolation is, he is home with the Lord! But such a loss for his family and community. Thank you for sharing, Patrice. Prayers for his family.

  3. I feel like 2020 has taken so much from so many. If Van Morrison dies this year I am probably not going to make it another year. I really feel like every day is another loss. I’m trying to find the good in things but it is getting more and more difficult.

    Rest In Peace Mr. Lehman. I appreciated your business so very much.

    Ouida Gabriel

  4. 2020. Pure definition of it.
