Monday, April 13, 2020

Need a face mask?

The excellent family that runs Naturally Cozy (which makes the best washable feminine hygiene products in the world, in my humble opinion) have branched out. By popular request, they are making face masks.

"We researched the different patterns and came up with a version that is pleated like a real surgical mask, and that ties," they said.

These are just the spiffiest things! You have a choice of fabrics to suit your taste.

It looks like masks are going to loom large in everyone's future. Why not have something colorful as well as practical?

(And speaking of practical, there should not be a prepper woman out there without a full set of Naturally Cozy washable protection. Just sayin'.)


  1. (Unless the prepper woman is past the time of needing feminine products!)

    1. True, but a true prepper woman may want to keep some in stock for a daughter or grand daughter in a real emergency, for them it would be a real life saver.

  2. Thanks for the info on this. As a single man I've never had a need for the products of these folks. Just made an order for a couple of "We pick-manly fabric". What's real nice is that I should have them by the end of the one on else (I even looked at Amazon(shudder)) could get me any before the end of the month.

    P.S. tell the husband I really miss his blog but completely understand. I'll just have to keep reading ours:)

  3. Hi, Patrice--Just wanted to mention that I ordered a couple of their face masks on April 14th and received my order yesterday. I was surprised they were as fast since masks ordered on Amazon took 3 months to arrive (just a few days ago). Moreover, the Naturally Cozy masks are very well designed in terms of fit and coverage. They are also extremely well made and I have no doubt will hold up over time. I would strongly recommend these for anyone who wants a well made, washable face mask and at a reasonable price.
