Well after all the hoopla of the huge Freak September Blizzard, it turned into the Big Fizzle (at least where we are; perhaps things were hairier in the mountains).
Saturday was a day of miserable weather: cold unrelenting rain, a contrary north wind (our prevailing wind direction is from the southeast), and a rain/snow mix that didn't stick. The temperature never rose above 36F. It was most definitely indoor weather.
Everything was soggy and gloomy.
Interestingly, we had heavy bird activity all day long on the Virginia creeper in our front yard.
Robins, starlings, and red-shafted flickers all descended on (and often quarreled over) the berries from the Virginia creeper.
The robins also took advantage of the wet ground to gobble up worms. I just missed photographing this bird with a beak-ful.
In anticipation of freezing temperatures, we moved the tubs of potatoes, onions, and pears into the washroom. They can't stay stored in these tubs -- they'll rot because the plastic won't "breathe" -- but it's cool in the washroom and the produce can stay there over the next couple of weeks as I sort and process it.
Sunday morning we woke up to a bare inch of snow on the ground.
Darcy seemed surprised (and pleased) to see it.
It snowed most of the day, but nothing further accumulated since the ground was so wet. (These are rose hips.)
By late afternoon, everything had melted off except at higher elevations.
We have some nicer weather ahead of us, so it will give us a chance to finish harvesting the garden and buttoning things up for the winter.
Love your photo's, you are quite skilled. The scenery there is just beautiful! Thsnks for sharing.