Saturday, August 3, 2019

The end of the "Bossy" call

For years -- decades -- we called in the cattle using our universal cattle call, named after the very first cow we ever owned: "Bossy bossy bossy bossy BOSSY!!!"

We didn't use it often, just when we wanted to call the animals from one side of the property to the other, and they always answered it. Younger animals learned from older animals what the call meant.

On Wednesday, I used that call for the last time. I called our remaining three cows into the feedlot, closed the gate, and conveniently left for errands in the city while the mobile butchers, Potlatch Pack, came to put them in the freezer.

Two cows and a heifer went into the freezer in early July. One heifer (on the hoof) went to some friends. That left three remaining animals (two cows, one heifer) to meet their fate on Wednesday.

It's bittersweet, folks. Bittersweet.

No more animals at the feedboxes.

No more animals scattered in the pasture.

But it's all part of our plan to move. It would be almost impossible to take livestock with us, particularly since we have no idea where we'll be moving to. Once we settle in a new place, we'll populate it soon enough with bovines.

But in the meantime, the feedlot gate remains open. Why close it?



  1. Life is full of sad days, unfortunately.

  2. Transitions, even those for which we plan, have their challenges.

  3. New chapters are so very much fun! We took the plunge a year and a half ago, and have not looked back. God bless you both on the next adventure!

  4. That is so sad, not that the animals were butchered, but that the place is empty of animals. +

  5. So hard to do.
    I remember when my pasture was empty of my sweet bovines and the horses.
    On to better things!
    Soon I hope.

  6. Part of life on the farm. Husband put down a cow and calf for an elderly neighbor this week. (Both had issues and weren't worth taking to sales barn.) He has been asked to put down horses and had to do the same for some of ours. Sad, not easy to do, but necessary.

    On the brighter side - enjoy the grass fed prime beef! Natokadn

  7. Gee, that's kinda sad. It's hard, sometimes, moving on...

  8. Liz and I were just thinking of you. Fletcher's 18+, a great musician, soon to get his pilot's license, and three days into his first day on the job on the tax farm, working as a dishwasher at Pirate's Cove. Please give Don, and the girls huge hugs from us.

    1. Wow, blast from the past! So good to hear from you and glad things are going well. Our girls are on their own so we're empty nesters. And believe it or not, we're still working the tankard business.

      - Patrice

  9. I feel for you. I finally had to do that a while ago but in my case it was for the last time due to our age. I hope you can start over when you get moved and nothing gets in the way. Life's transitions can be very hard.--ken.

  10. The very hard reality of a fact that all of us encounter when we make a significant life change: there is no such thing as change without cost.

  11. Every morning I open your blog I wonder if I will see a new title "We sold the farm". Getting any good nibbles?

  12. This brought a tear to my eye. Bittersweet.

  13. I still miss reading about Matilda and Polly!

  14. Patricia!
    You're seriously making me cry! (Not convenient as I'm sitting at my desk in my office at my "real" job.)
    I know the Lord will continue to guide and bless you and your family through all these changes as you continue to honor Him and seek His wisdom.
    I sure hope you're planning to continue to blog in your new place! I'd love to keep up with you. I feel like we're living parallel lives as we go through some of the same changes here on our side of the States. Our kiddos are also stretching their wings and leaving us with a much quieter nest. We, too, for various reasons, have severely cut back on the number of critters around the place. Sigh.
    It's so good to know the goodness of the Lord is one thing that never changes.
    Blessings today,

  15. First the nest empties and then the barn.
    Everyday closer to my oldest leaving is like a nail to my heart. I truly can't believe that parents have been doing this for millennium. I have to stop myself from baby talking with him, thinking about his every move and decision. He's almost a man now and can and does tie his own shoes, make his own food, make his own decisions.
    And now you don't have to care for cow after a long time.
    Wow, my heart goes out to you both. I know it had to be done. But dang! Time moves much too fast.

  16. At 72, I feel strong. Still have Jerseys. Pray I never have to do what you are going thru. My heart is with you.

  17. I'm anxious for your next post , don't like seeing the empty coral picture in this one ! Good for you , being brave enough to make a big change ....looking forward to following along as you share .

  18. Close the gate. My guess is every time you see it, you remember why it is open. Nice to have a freezer full of meat, but I'll bet you miss your babies.
