Thursday, June 28, 2018

Happy birthday Mr. Darcy

Our golden retriever Mr. Darcy turns one year old today.

We received a charming postcard in the mail from the breeders on this momentous occasion, which I thought was very cute.

Mr. Darcy, as you no doubt recall, filled the hole left in our lives when our Great Pyrenees Lydia unexpectedly passed away. Originally we thought we'd get two puppies, but as it turns out, Mr. Darcy is plenty dog enough for us, so we'll stick with just him.

He still has a lot of puppy energy, but Don has worked hard on his training and he's turned into quite an excellent dog -- though we can't quiiiiite seem to break him of the habit of chasing chickens. Maybe maturity will help.

Stick! Sticks are good!

He's due for his next round of shots in mid-August, and we'll have him neutered then as well.

Altogether he's been a fine addition to our household and keeps us young at heart. Happy birthday Mr. Darcy!


  1. I'm considering a Great Pyrenees, but the long hair concerns me. (I currently have an old Basset Hound.) I've had two co-workers tell me that GPs will "groom themselves." (Their words.) What was your experience?

    1. Great Pyrenees groom themselves about the same as any other dog. There's no question they are HAIRY dogs, so if you expect a breed that won't shed, you might need something else. They unquestionably DO shed -- a lot.

      - Patrice

  2. Happy 1st Birthday Mr. Darcy.......what a handsome canine you are, and very loved I am sure. Bama Granny!

  3. He's a beautiful animal, and a loyal friend, no doubt.

  4. My feisty little papillon, Sassy Sadie, turns 2 years old tomorrow! Happy Birthday, Mr. Darcy...our pups do add so much to our lives.

  5. Happy Birthday young fellow. You have come a long way from the puppy you were.

  6. I don't neuter my dogs. the intact ones have been healthier, lived much longer, had better dispositions, are all-around better farm dogs, and don't watch CNN. ---ken

  7. He is a very good looking dog. I am sure he is well loved!

  8. O Lord,
    Every creature,
    in every forest, field, and home,
    belongs to you,
    and is under your loving care.
    May your blessing
    be upon this dog,
    and, in your great kindness,
    Keep (him, her) safe from all harm.
    We pray that you would show forth
    your eternal love and mercy,
    in the companionship and friendship
    that this dog provides. Amen

    (Source: David Bennett)

  9. Happy birthday Mr. Darcy! You have some big shoes to fill but it seems you're up to the task. P.S. I love sticks, too!

  10. He looks like he has a little Pyrenees in there? Hope you are feeling better.

  11. I have a black lab who killed over 12 chickens and guineas before I found this guy on YouTube who teaches you how to train dogs not to kill chickens. He now lays down and the chickens literally peck around him. It is called “From instinct to in sync”. It only took me a few hours to train him. Hope that helps.

  12. Gorgeous pup. Goldens are wonderful additions to any family. He will settle in the next few months-especially after you neuter him.

  13. Wow, a year already! Happy Birthday Mr. Darcy!

  14. The person with the black lab wss lucky.While
    I love the hunting breeds, that is what they
    are breed to do. Hunt.I had a brittany for 13
    years.He even hunted birds that were in bird
    cages in the house.Very strong hunting instanct.

    1. Our lab is 12.75 YO. He is a farm dog, but trained to retrieve and has hunted ducks and pheasants. He was 9 when I got my hens. He listens well and we scolded him if he was getting too aggressive and he left them alone. He also stays out of the garbage, doesn't chew things up and guards the house (internally) from his rug. He has a big bark and someone kicking in the door decided it was a bad move. Good dog!

  15. Happy birthday to Mr. Darcy! That dog's so cute, I just wanna give him a big ol' hug.

  16. My dog was half yellow lab and half Anatolian and he did kill a few of my chickens in his lifetime. I don't think it was so much to kill them but chasing and catching. He had no interest in his old age for that same activity. Happy Birthday Mr. Darcy and keep your humans on their toes.

  17. Happy Birthday Mr. Darcy! He has grown so quickly...I remember you post when you brought him home...Labs always retain a part of that puppy spirit, no matter how old they are...
