Friday, June 19, 2020

Wildflower bonanza

Now that we seem to have broken the back of winter (this has been, what, the second-coldest June on record or something?)...

...we're seeing wildflowers blooming in abundance. I took advantage of a rare sunny day last week and photographed some.

Here's my inventory.

Last-gasp holdouts of arrowleaf balsam root. These are definitely early spring flowers, so their time has come and gone.

Also a few last-gasp arnica, another early spring wildflower.

Daisies. Early summer is daisy season around here. I love this flower so much I had it in my wedding bouquet.


Lots of clover.

Sheep sorrel (genus Rumex).

Ninebark. This time of year we have frothy bushes everywhere. Very lovely.

Triteleia, sometimes called Fool's Onion.

Wild roses. They smell as sweet as they look.


Tufted elk weed.

This is neither groundsel (note the leaves) nor St. John's wort (note the flowers). My flower ID books are packed away. Thoughts?


Orange hawkweed, prettier cousin to the much-loathed invasive yellow hawkweed.



Nine-leafed biscuit root.

Pearly everlasting, not quite fully bloomed yet.

(Its leaves.)


Wild strawberry.

Big-leaf avens.

Thimbleberry. This relative of the raspberry is perfectly edible, but very bland.

Wild mustard.



Western blue flax.


Creeping buttercup. Lovely to look at in the forest, but NOT something I like in the garden. It can be very aggressive.

So that's our wildflower bonanza so far. Next to bloom will be the beautiful oceanspray. Yep, we're living in paradise.


  1. Lovely pictures Patrice! Thank you! I miss the wildflowers of home but we have different and nice ones here as well.

  2. Could the flower that you couldn't identify possibly be Woad?

  3. Your photos made my day, thank you for sharing them!

    1. Can I hear an 'Amen!'
      Montana Guy

  4. Beautiful flowers. Is the salsify the vegetable which is an edible root, or is just a wild flower?

  5. Excellent pics, beautiful 😍 and thank you for sharing

  6. We have a bunch of the wild mustard in the pasture. We used to be in a wild bird sanctuary so I could not mow until fall but now that we have lost that the mowing before the mustard goes to seed we have a lot less.

  7. Love this , thanks for taking the time !!

  8. Love all the colors and looks of God's Creation...Love all your posts and have tried posting and it goes away even when I preview....Hope you get this one.
    Love from NC,

  9. beautiful. I am like you. Carried daisies in my bridal bouquet. I love them. This year I had some come up wild in my yard. Been here 18 years and this is the first time.

    I also have clover, at least that is what the leaves look like but the flowers are two shades of pink. Dark center with lighter pink petals..

    mow around them every year, hoping they will spread which they do slowly.

    kathy in MS

  10. Lovely photos, you are a woman of many giftings!
